Sunday, November 30, 2008

ski tags on jackets

why dont people remove the ski tags on their jackets?

i can think of three reasons:

1. some sort of medal of honor/badge of courage that people like to flaunt?
2. do the ski folks make it very difficult to remove to get free advertising?
3. the tag actually helps by making it easy to zip/unzip your jacket even with your gloves on. so people leave them on for utility!

2 seems a bit far-fetched and too much of a conspiracy theory. 1 doesnt make sense; skiing seems commonplace enough that its not a uniquely distinguishing feature to flaunt. so im going with 3. if 3 is true, it makes a strong case for jacket manufacturers to adopt this.

p.s. im ignoring the possibility that people are lazy/dont care enough to remove them.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

hack to break reviewer anonymity

a rather straightforward hack to break the anonymity of reviewers for peer-reviewed publications (most places at least ensure single-blind submission -- author names are public but reviewing is anonymous)

wonder if this has been tried before to figure out who is reviewing your paper?
1. put some results/theorems in a separate file (preferably these are genuine)

2. give a url for the file (probably works much better if the submission is double blind -- if author names are also suppressed and all hints to author identity are explicitly removed, then you can just create something and justify why you created a webpage for the additional stuff from 1 -- linking to your homepage would sacrifice author anonymity :-) )

3. add some webtracking thing to the url and see where you are getting hits from

assuming you can filter out spurious hits/click spam and check for actual views (e.g., .edu or city names), you should have a fairly reasonable idea of who is reviewing

(inspired in part by a recent paper that cited itself for motivation :-) )


We zone out, we chicken out, we deceive. To be human is to fight a lifelong uphill battle for self-control. Why? Because evolution left us clever enough to set reasonable goals but without the willpower to see them through

-- Kluge, Gary Marcus

Saturday, September 20, 2008

one more bit is enough

i have this perpetual confusion with restrooms in restaurants/hotels in figuring if they are single-access or can allow parallel-access. theres always some doubt involved in whether the protocol should be to knock or try to open the door. if only they gave one more bit of information -- on whether the design is single/multiple access, the confusion would go away.

(this seems like an obvious thing to patent :-) )

words/phrases i hate in papers ..

1. we present something "novel"
2. we are the "first" to introduce/solve the problem
3. we develop "sophisticated techniques/algorithm" to solve the problem
4. we make the following "contributions" (long list of trivialities..)
  • ..
  • ..
  • ..

i guess what is irritating is that all of these are for the reader to assess and judge; not for the writer to claim/assume. sadly, with the realities of the the reviewing process and often the short-attention span of reviewers, the only work that sees that light of day are those that explicitly spoonfeed the reviewer with such keywords.

(im certain i have been/will be guilty of these at some point)

Friday, September 12, 2008

suboptimal routing

September 12, 2008 10:22 AM Sortation Center Departure GROVE CITY, OH
September 11, 2008 7:50 PM Sortation Center Arrival GROVE CITY, OH
September 11, 2008 1:12 AM Sortation Center Departure ORLANDO, FL
September 9, 2008 9:13 AM Sortation Center Arrival LEETSDALE, PA
September 6, 2008 3:25 AM Sortation Center Departure NEW BERLIN, WI
September 5, 2008 5:38 AM Sortation Center Arrival NEW BERLIN, WI
September 4, 2008 5:08 AM Sortation Center Departure DALLAS, TX
September 3, 2008 3:34 PM Sortation Center Arrival DALLAS, TX
September 3, 2008 2:40 PM Pickup CARROLLTON, TX

the bloody place is 32mins from the intended destination. i could have had this shipment three days back!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

on the brighter side ..

my bad cantaloupe karma has finally decided to leave

Sunday, August 10, 2008


why is it that people who can't take advice always insist on giving it?

-- bond, "casino royale"

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

on father's/mother's day

"this invented holiday was never part of our emotional calendar."

-- from "the diving bell and the butterfly"

Monday, July 28, 2008

real world hack .. free shipping

imagine a store X that has both a physical and online presence. X offers only free shipping if your purchase exceeds Y$, however it allows you to return the purchased items in-store without charge.

simple hack (discovered by accident): purchase items worth more than Y$ (including whatever you really want). return the undesired items in-store once they arrive. u effectively got the desired item shipped for free :-) (modulo the cost of having to go and return in store)

driving violations

do people driving fancier cars get bigger fines for similar violations compared to people who drive more ordinary/rundown cars?


pain forcing a cheery disposition

Monday, May 19, 2008

brain and time

how does the brain keep time and identify periodicities -- especially with respect to music/beats etc?

also whats the finest resolution of time that the brain can keep track of -- second/millisecond?

update: well there seems to be a whole line of research on this topic

random: swiss army laptop backpacks

i have been recently amazed by the sudden apperance of swiss army laptop backpacks (well there is the possibility of a confirmation bias here .. but lets set that aside for now). too many people seem to have the same brand of backpack.

i figured there must have been some kind of promotion or sale forcing such a monoculture but couldnt find anything of note. a little bit of inquiry revealed that the bags were on sale at sams club ( do?dest=5&item=361436&pCatg=5791 ) and were a good deal.

for the record, i think the backpack looks good.

Friday, May 02, 2008

brilliant ..

"Fewer than one in forty Biharis possesses a television. For entertainment, many rely on Lalu .."

-- In spite of the gods, Edward Luce

google checkout - bug?

google checkout consistently gives out 10$ off for anyone signing up for a new google checkout account -- the cost of creating a new account is trivial. and as far as i can see there is no conscious effort to correlate credit card numbers or address information to prevent the obvious cheat of creating bogus identities to get 10$ off each time?

am i missing something

(only flip side is by signing up multiple accounts, u run the potential risk of compromising the private information more often if the account gets cracked)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

no right to comment on ..

i have no right to comment on people wearing non-matching socks

(my left shoe and right shoe today are different -- in my defense the two brands of shoes look very similar, but thats no excuse!)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

happyness =

splitting chewing gum wrapper cleanly into three layers -- paper,plastic,metalfoil :-).

Monday, March 24, 2008

accidental discovery of the day

typing "" or "" in your browser address bar gives same result as ""

Sunday, March 23, 2008

steam shadows

as i watched water boil (no it doesnt affect it :-) ), i noticed that the steam/vapor induced a shadow on the wall but i couldnt actually see the vapors.
a. are there other such examples where things can be seen in shadows but through eyes?
b. is this because the human eye doesnt have sufficient resolution -- e.g. would a hi-fi camera pick it up?

any answers?

Sunday, March 09, 2008


brain seems to be less inclined to random thoughts, hence the reduction in blogging frequency. dont know if senile degeneration has already set in :-(


same garbage, only sharper

--werner vogels, amazon

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

accidental discovery of the day

my elbow is stronger than a squash racquet :-)



if i was part of the religious right, i now have an amazingly good argument in favor of the immaculate conception!

(i wonder who is funding the research :-) ?)

update: wikipedia suggests that the doctrine of immaculate conception should not be confused with the doctrine of virgin birth (who would have guessed they would have two low probability events?)