Saturday, May 22, 2010

does being in a bigger vehicle make people more rash drivers?

shuttle/truck/bus drivers seem more rash than those in compact cars :-)

maybe that size gives them a feeling of invincibility?

sizing toileteries in hotels?

the things that hotels give you seem rather wasteful. maybe they should have variable sized soap/shampoos etc depending on the length of the reservation.

airline seat assignment?

should airlines profile passenger weight/build etc before doing the seat assignments. makes sense to have "compact" people in middle seats :-)


why do there appear to be a more than normal share of people named randal/randalls in academia?

why do we sleep with eyes closed?

is it because visual processing is (one of) the most expensive pieces of brain processing? shutting that input makes it easy for the brain to go into sleep mode?


everytime i see the billboard for some eyeglasses on the way back from the airport, i think that the model there looks like "thirteen" from house.

now everytime, i see the billboard, i think that the billboard reminds me that i think that the model looks like thirteen from house ...

how to avoid check-in fees?

airlines seem to be doing something dumb doing gate checks for baggage for free but charging for them at the ticket counter.

maybe they should check whether its carry-on-able at the security checkpoints?