Sunday, November 30, 2008

ski tags on jackets

why dont people remove the ski tags on their jackets?

i can think of three reasons:

1. some sort of medal of honor/badge of courage that people like to flaunt?
2. do the ski folks make it very difficult to remove to get free advertising?
3. the tag actually helps by making it easy to zip/unzip your jacket even with your gloves on. so people leave them on for utility!

2 seems a bit far-fetched and too much of a conspiracy theory. 1 doesnt make sense; skiing seems commonplace enough that its not a uniquely distinguishing feature to flaunt. so im going with 3. if 3 is true, it makes a strong case for jacket manufacturers to adopt this.

p.s. im ignoring the possibility that people are lazy/dont care enough to remove them.