Wednesday, July 27, 2005

mercenarial approach to life

Warning -- this is a silly, illogical, irrational post

Heres a brief attempt at a description of a mercenarial approach to life:

Assume your current state of existence is y. Define some objective function , which obviously depends on the current state y. ( Given my proclivity to a memoryless approach, I will not allow the objective to be a function of history before y). Optimize the objective function f(y)

There are two clear problems:
1. suppose the objective function in state y is actually defined in terms of an ability to get to a state y' --> then it cannot be guaranteed that at every point along the path taken the similar objective will hold -- thus a myopic approach can lead to local sub-optimalities
2. suppose you are unable to define an objective function for all states -- then in such states your existence will become meaningless -- and my guess is that such states always exist unless you define meaningless objective functions , which then means that your existence is meaningless anyway.

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