Saturday, December 09, 2006

when in doubt ..

use a chorus!

when a musical composition seems to be drab and going nowhere throw in a chorus .. with high probability choruses sound good..

on a related note i wonder if the nicesoundingness of choruses has anything to do with gaussians and the law of large numbers (if you throw in enough noise eventually something nice will emerge that will be appealing in its simplicity)


Sanketh said...

Well, chorus tunes are usually good, so that might explain it. Also, maybe it's because flaws in individual voices disappear in a chorus.

froginthewell said...

I have noticed in my school that when music teachers teach a class a particular song most students might make lots of mistakes while singing individually but the mistakes get drowned in chorus as dufusmaximus said.

froginthewell said...

Well in my comment I didn't mean the "might" - most students do make too many mistakes while singing individually ( and sing loudly when the whole class sings ).

SVR said...

I think it's about the law of large numbers, but in a slightly more complex way than you allude. I think most people can approximately carry a simple tune, but have trouble keeping notes at exact positions for a long time (like an 80/20 rule, I suppose). I think choruses cancel out the deviations from the exact position.

p.s. The blogger comment interface seems kinda sucky -- it just swallowed my comment.