Sunday, July 02, 2006

poetry ..

is not unlike a badly written research paper.

it is the art of obfuscating the obvious, obscuring the most evident of facts in complicated jargon and meaningless juxtaposition of words, often with unnecessary adjectives and adverbs.

never really understood why people rave about poems -- prose is a much better medium to get the message across, and often since theres not much of a message to put across in the world most of the time, theres not much to gain by hiding it!


dya said...
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dya said...

most of the prose on this page obufuscates the obvious, too-but we don't condemn it or its creator, now, do we?

Poetry is lyrical-it's that much harder to get the right words that fit.

Poetry vs. a badly written research paper, c'mon..that's a tad vitriolic, even by your standards, Prof!

nice try said...

"most of the prose on this page obufuscates the obvious" -- does this mean im a poet at work :-)

dya said...

Fish for compliments in more placid waters, anti-poet!

SVR said...

funny, you should like poetry, it's all about brevity in description of alternate viewpoints. Now, as any CS person knows, compression must necessarily obfuscate the message.

nice try said...

svr: i think theres a signficant difference between compression and poetry .. most compression algorithms have unique decoding capabilities .. poetry however leaves open the possibility of multiple decodings which enhances the vagueness! i am absolutely in favor of brevity over verbosity .. but not at the expense of misinterpretation!

SVR said...

poetry however leaves open the possibility of multiple decodings which enhances the vagueness!

C'mon, multiple decodings imply more compression... :) and what better security on the message does one have than multiple decodings, when the net result message to any particular party is the same? :) I think this was used in WWII (I mean multiple decodings, not poetry...)

(BTW, the previous comment was also tongue-in-cheek, but I missed the all-important smiley :)