Tuesday, August 22, 2006

perls of wisdom

too much perl causes a change in the default parenthesis from () to {} :-)

default-off vs default-on

if you have a choice between doing x and not doing x, where there doesnt to be a immediately perceivable risk-benefit function associated with x -should you "just do it" or not do it. default-off seems like a pessimistic approach {risk minimization}.
default-on seems like a optimistic approach {benefit maximization}. i vote in favor of risk minimization!

the impossibility of being earnest

there are fundamental limits on how much information needs to be revealed in any situation. obfuscation is inherently necessary for both selfish reasons and
for greater common good. from an evolutionary stance, it enables the power to
reason under uncertainty, and filters out those who can better reason under uncertainty. being non-earnest gives you the ability to indulge in self-indulgent incoherent babble every once in a while.

lessons from minesweeper

the power of procrastination {delayed decision making is very useful, often things take care of themselves}
the power of partial answers {a little knowledge is NOT a dangerous thing}
solving by reduction {reduce unknowns to known patterns and repeatedly apply the knowledge you have for those known patters}
speed != intelligence
learning from random things {it is possible to draw random inferences from the most uncorrelated of happenings}

Monday, August 21, 2006

puddings and proofs

in practice the proof is in the pudding
in theory the pudding is in the proof

Friday, August 18, 2006

sheer madness

the only reason many retain their sanity is because they refuse to take themselves seriously.

Monday, August 14, 2006

why do ..

all garbage bins on the street smell the same all over the world? are there specific dominant sources of junk which overwhelm the other sources of smell? or is it that the expected composition of garbage is always invariant?

Saturday, August 12, 2006

business of probabilities

whenever there is a low probability event associated with a high service cost to the end-user there is a very good and highly profitable business model selling at that service purportedly at a marginal cost to the end-user

e.g. insurance, AAA

Thursday, August 10, 2006

travel restrictions

its funny how things change so quickly .. a week ago i was trying to convince everyone that im not going to check-in stuff because its going to be easy to travel that way.. but now its the exact opposite .. weird!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

a study in scarlet

its illegal to jump a red light
is it illegal to have a green light and not move ahead assuming that you are not causing any head of the line blocking?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


scientific history is full of misrepresentations/lies/incomplete information .. things end up being attributed to individuals ignoring the evolutionary path that have led to their existence. people should cease to attribute inventions to anyone -- its a tremendous injustice to the many nameless faces that may have contributed non-trivially.


what is belief .. do i believe what i say? what a damned conundrum to live by.

is memory a pre-requisite for humor?