Tuesday, August 15, 2006

why do i have more questions than answers?


SVR said...

you're well on your way to being a scientist, or an artist, or ... one of those strange angst-filled creative types? :P

dya said...

...aah!Finally!The Q that I have been waiting for:
1.It's easier to ask questions
2.If by answers, you mean comments, then...ahem.
3.Perhaps, you (try to) think too much?:(

You actually didn't/(don't) want an answer(s) to this one/(the others), really, did you?

nice try said...

i sense a deep-seated sense of sarcasm there, id like to be wrong though {im not very smiley literate!}

1. reminds me of a classic exchange from "thiruvilayadal"
2. "If by answers, you mean comments"
are you referring to me commenting on other blogs or the number of questions i have being greater than the number of comments on this blog?
{apologies for answering with another question}
3. to the issue of whether i want answers to questions -- the immediate answer as explained earlier is "i dont know" .. the actual answer is it will be nice to have answers but given that the questions may be ephemeral not having answers will not be terribly disappointing

SVR said...
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SVR said...

You know the stereotype of the creative genius who is tormented with questions and angst and therefore "shakes" the world? I was trying to crack a joke, since shaking the world is the (theoretical) goal of the grad student population and the theory is you can't do that without the first... And the joke's not just at you, I can name at least one grad student who drove her driving instructor crazy with her questions :)

madatadam said...

is that supposed to be unique?

nice try said...

i dont think that is unique .. i guess id like to have more meaningful questions for whatever definition of meaning {for example not the composition of garbage :-)}