Tuesday, October 24, 2006


just because your login-name is surprisingly close to ur real name doesnt give one the right the arbitrarily chose to assume that the login name is the real name :-(


dya said...

That must have taken time and research.

nice try said...

i thought for once i had a reasonably comprehensible post .. but the comment serves to undermine my presumption!

dya said...

i thought ,for once, i had perhaps, comprehended....a tad too presumptuos of me.

So, what did I miss?

nice try said...

alas .. the revelation cannot be made in a public forum!

Arvind Narayanan said...

was your login name = first name + s?

nice try said...


SVR said...

Oh, now I see what must have happened!! But we still need clues to the perpetrator of such crimes. :)

(BTW, my username at college had the same structure, and I ran into it all the time -- at least, when I wasn't losing mail to the person who had what was expected to be my username... :)

nice try said...

clues -- pick a random name that has been awarded the misfortune of communicating with me