Thursday, September 28, 2006

blogger and infinite monkeys

if the web-surfing/blog-viewing population is best modeled by an innumerable number of monkeys randomly clicking at most recent content, irrespective of semantic intent, then an optimal revenue-generating process based on a per-view/per-click model is to keep generating random junk as fast as possible


dya said...

Finally, we have the explanation for the post-a-minute-athlon on this space, I see!

So, you could get paid for every view of this?Most discouraging news to even your loyalists-here we thought we were only being amused {;-) !

nice try said...

a more realistic explanation for the post-a-minute-athlon would need a deep understanding of how mental processes work. an immediate explanation is that the mind works like a monkey wandering on a graph across links between nodes, and especially likes to visit new nodes, the kind of "unchartered" territory that people like to visit. also, i think that getting on the thought process graph involves a high-entry barrier, but once you are on the graph then traversing links at random comes for free, which would also explain the bursty nature of the temporal arrival of posts in this space.

SVR said...

Yeah? Then why isn't Amit Varma well-paid by Google ads? :) There's a problem with your model, methinks. :)

nice try said...

it could be that reloads, same host visiting multiple times does not contribute monetarily under that particular ad-revenue model?