Sunday, September 03, 2006

very reassuring (the post on sep 1 on "literal")

im not the only dumbo ( out there!


SVR said...

Oh, come on, that happens to everyone! :) (You should reserve the word "incompetence" for worse things :)

nice try said...

"that happens to everyone" .. i can't possibly imagine .. but then we dont constitute a very unbiased sample of the population do we!
cant imagine there cant be something worse than making a complete fool of yourself while not trying to.. there are of course who strive to do so :-)

SVR said...

Well, I could tell you stories that you can't seem to imagine :) but probably not around a zillion pseudonyms :) Perhaps IRL.

cant imagine there cant be something worse
An extra negative here, or did you mean what it parses out to be? :) In any case, I think, at some level, everyone's always making a fool of himself to some audience, and the only issue is what impact it has :) Not reading a line at the optometrist, oh phooey :)

froginthewell said...

I sincerely don't get it. If the doctor indeed wanted her to read the lines why did he not ask her to do so when he heard the reply "Yes"? That probably means he took her "Yes" to mean that she could read those lines.

Now don't bring on the "one word reply" fundaes.

nice try said...

i guess it has more to do with the inherent ambiguity in the language.
"can you do blah" can be perceived as a question of ability and need not necessarily elicit an actual response.